【headphone】SONY, WH-1000XM4 and WH-1000XM5 differences【Comparison of non-sound】

Hello! My name is Yakimo!
Here is an article comparing the WH-1000XM4 and WH-1000XM5 headphones from SONY.
In detail, this article will help you, even if you are not interested in sound, to understand the following
- How updated is the performance and such?
- Is it worth buying the latest version?
As a phoneme person, I bought both of them and wrote about the differences I felt.
So I think it is subjective and includes some prejudice, but I have selected items that may be helpful.
There were many tie-breaking results, but I feel a little better about WH-1000XM5.
There are two reasons
- When the power was turned on and off, the M4 was loud with a female voice, but the M5 had a low SE.
- The ear pads are softer and I can wear them for longer periods of time.
These are minor differences, so you can buy either one if you don’t care.
Where was the draw, where did you feel the superiority, etc.
Please use this information to determine which is more convenient for you.
Difference in sound when turned on M5>M4

M5 was easier on the ears.
When powered on, the M4 uses a female voice to tell you
- “power on,”
- “Bluetooth connected,”
- and “power off”
at a constant volume, regardless of the volume you have set.
That was a small stress, because with M5 it is gone!
Instead, it became
- “pingup↑”,
- “pivo↑”,
- “pibon↓”
and SE (sound effect), which made it a little easier.
It still ignores the volume I set, but I no longer feel stressed about it.
Ease of carrying M4>M5

M4 is slightly more convenient.
This is because only the M4 can be folded.
The M5 weighs about a little less (about 254g and 250g), but the foldable M4 can be squeezed into smaller spaces in a bag.
Both have cool zippered containers for carrying them around.
But those are bulky, so I thought they were for people who treat them with care.
The difference is thus small, but the M4 is easier to carry in a bag.
Noise canceling Draw!

I couldn’t really tell how the noise canceling had changed.
However, I had used headphones in the 65.12 USD range, and SONY’s were much better.
In the meantime, the M5 seems to have improved the removal rate, but I don’t know!
A feature called “Auto NC Optimizer” seems to provide optimal noise cancellation and changes the way outside sounds are heard in a certain cycle.
M4 is not auto.
But in the end, living at home, the noise from the semi-industrial area outside my window never sounded clean.
I can hear the factory and the cicadas.

Although the noise never really became inaudible, it is still useful because both M4 and M5 are easier to shut out the outside world compared to the 65 USD range.
Ear pad difference M5>M4
M5 is soft and excellent.
The M4 was soft enough, but the M5 was at an impressive level.
It is fluffy and tasty, but I get the impression that it is the type of food that melts as soon as you put it in your mouth.
If you are a long-time headphone user like me, the WH-1000XM5 earpads are a good choice.
The M4 could be put on for a long time, but the M5 is even better!

By the way, the reason there is no video of the M4 earpads is that it was after they were exchanged for non-genuine ones.
![Failed to replace headphone earpads because they stink [WH-1000XM4]](https://adaptableuni.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Failed-to-replace-headphone-earpads-because-they-stink-320x180.jpg)
Difference in operation M5>M4

M5 is slightly easier to use.
This is because only on the M5 you can pause and play by double-tapping the right side of the headphones.
Both M4 and M5 with index finger.
- Turn it up to increase the volume.
- Turn it down to lower the volume.
And it has an excellent function: pause when you take off the headphones, play when you put them back on.
Other great features
- if you take off the headphones, you can pause,
- play when you put them back on
Enough already, the M5 has the luxury of double-tap to stop and play!
Price difference M4>M5

The price is lower for M4.(07.2024)
- WH-1000XM4…273.99USD
- WH-1000XM5…296.68USD
- WH-1000XM4…317.25USD
- WH-1000XM5…389.35USD
Both were cheaper on Amazon.
The price is also a little lower for M4.
Difference in playback time Draw

The battery seems to have gone from 3.7V DC to 3.8V DC with the M5, but both seem to be the same with up to 30 hours of audio playback.
But of course for me, the new M5 has lasted longer because the battery has not been drained.
- M4 bought in the fall of 2021
- since M5 was bought in May of 2024,
The difference has naturally been a result of the difference in battery life.
The Amazon page for the M4 said 5years of continuous use, so 5 years may be the lifespan.
I feel that even with the M4 after 2 years, 6 hours is totally doable!

In terms of battery and audio playback time, both remain excellent.
Fast Charging Difference Draw

In terms of fast charging, I get the impression that both are fast.
According to the Amazon product page, with a feature called Fast Charging
- M4 can play 5 hours in 10 minutes
- M5 is capable of 3 hours of playback in 3 minutes
It seems to charge at super speed like this!

However, a full charge seems to take about 3.5 hours for both.
Fast charging is not that different, and both are excellent.
Lie down and watch the video Draw

Regardless of M4 or M5, it is hard to lie on your side while wearing headphones.
You should not do this because it will make your neck look funny.
I try to lie on my side with only the back of my head on the pillow, but I cannot continue in that position because it becomes a burden.
Both headphones are not suitable for sideways facing, so if you want to watch videos in sideways facing, you will need to prepare earphones or other devices.

- Foldable and easy to carry
- About 26 USD less

- Notification sound when powered on is not too loud
- Ear pads are soft and good!
- Double-tap to stop and play
- The noise canceling feature is awesome on both.
- Playback Time
- Charging speed
- Lying down with headphones is a bad idea, but I can’t stop, my neck and head hurt.
In summary, the latest work (M5) may not be superior in all respects.
The performance is adequate for both, and which one you buy will depend on what is important to you.
I really disliked the old one (M4) when the female voice notified me at a constant volume when I turned it on or when the battery was getting low, ignoring the current volume.
but I feel it is better in the latest work which is now SE.
These are the differences between SONY’s WH-1000XM4 and WH-1000XM5 headphones as I am not familiar with the sound.
I encourage you to share and check out other articles if you like!
Well then, thank you for reading!
Reference Site(18/07/2024)
2024 Sony Marketing Inc.「1000Xシリーズ史上最大の進化を遂げた世界最高クラス(*)のノイズキャンセリング性能」.SONY.
2024 Sony Marketing Inc.「独自開発「高音質ノイズキャンセリングプロセッサーQN1」の性能をさらに引き出し、ノイズキャンセリング性能が向上」.SONY.
1996-2022, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.「ソニー(SONY) ワイヤレスノイズキャンセリングヘッドホン WH-1000XM4 : LDAC/Amazon Alexa搭載/Bluetooth/ハイレゾ 最大30時間連続再生 密閉型 マイク付 2020年モデル 360 Reality Audio認定モデル ブラック WH-1000XM4 BM」.amazon.co.jp.
1996-2022, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.「ソニー ワイヤレスノイズキャンセリングステレオヘッドホン WH-1000XM5:ノイキャン性能向上/Amazon Alexa搭載/通話性能向上/ソフトフィットレザーによる高い遮音性/ブラック WH1000XM5 BM」.amazon.co.jp.