
5Ways Not to Be Jealous of the Rich


This is a【Psychology of Money Book Review】.

Do you have a heart that is jealous of rich friends, celebrities, or influencers?


My college friend is rich and I’m jealous! Help me…!

I thought of a solution to such suffering from a money book called “Psychology of Money”.

  • Consider the luck factor and don’t unnecessarily lift the other person up.
  • To reaffirm your life goals and focus on yourself
  • To not make comparisons (although it is difficult)
  • To focus on your savings rate and give yourself a pat on the back
  • To explore the source of jealousy and spend energy on what you want

I hope this article will inspire you to take positive action.


I don’t want to regret throwing my phone at it, or pounding my monitor with my fist!


How to counteract jealousy of the rich

Consider the element of luck.

When you are jealous of a certain rich person, it is good to think that some of his success must be due to luck, not just ability.(this book15% 49/277)

Because then you won’t feel so miserable about yourself.

Part of the cause of jealousy comes from feeling inferior(Chat GPT Teacher)

Consider, for example, that the rich person might have the following pattern

  • Did they succeed 100% on their own efforts alone?
  • What did their competitors do?
  • Did they have no help from those around them?
  • Were their parents just rich and got a lot of spending money?
  • Was there no coincidence at all?

It’s also easier to generalize and think about it, not someone in particular.

As an aside, I like card games and watch the top players streaming.

These players are good enough, but they often lose by luck.

Sometimes they lose by luck and sometimes they win.


Just by imaginatively analyzing that the rich person is lucky here and competent there like this, you can keep your cool.

That way, the humanly rich people are superior and you are a lower degraded, useless being! You don’t have to be so degraded.

Reconfirm your goals

It is helpful to reaffirm your goals.

The reason is that when you are jealous of a rich person, your heart has been stolen by them.

This is because if you check the goals, the mind that is paying attention will return.

As a specific way of putting your mind to it, you are reminded of “knowing enough“.

Here is an example where the feeling is with the other party ↓.

I am a windows user for my PC, but I was pulled by someone’s money to buy a mac book pro and a kindle paperwhite.

I consider kindle paperwhite a win-win purchase because it does not tire my eyes.

But I hadn’t checked what I needed for my own life, so I was just carried away by the stories and bought them with a whimper.

That rich guy says it’s made him more efficient at work!

I want to be the same way!


If we are not careful, we can waste away like this.

To avoid this,calm your jealousy by setting a satisfying goal and not moving it. (19% 60/277p)

I am stubborn and when I see rich people I think, I can’t do this! I need to earn more and more money and live a good life with a good partner freely!

But if you think about “knowing enough” and reconfirm your goals, you may find it easier to find an area where you are satisfied.



No comparison

It is insanely difficult, but not comparing is the way to escape jealousy.(19%)

Because once you start making comparisons, you can’t quit the money-making race.

We cannot keep winning because there are higher-ups.

For example, I will continue to lose in the future to beauty distributors. With the amount of money I can make.

It’s frustrating! But so cute!!!


At this time, we are in a state of focusing on others and forgetting about grace to ourselves.

For example, we forget about the delicious dorayaki we eat while watching a beautiful woman deliver or the house that shelters us from the wind and rain.

But the beautiful woman distributor is in a better one, a better house! (Mogmog)


It is important to close the delivery or take a deep breath, because if you are distracted in this way, you will immediately compare the two.

Reviewing the gratifying things that have happened to you can take some distance from the competition of comparison.

Might that person not remain wealthy?

By focusing on the savings rate, you can get away from jealousy and think you are doing a great job.

Because even if you are rich, if you spend too much money, you will be poor.

  • If A earns 7000 USD per month and spends 6930 USD per month, the savings rate is 1% (70 USD)
  • If B earns 1800 USD per month and spends 1440 USD per month, the savings rate is 20%. (360 USD)

Thus, a high savings rate allows you to hold on to your money.(44% in this book 132/277p)

A high savings rate also makes it easier to afford when your own monthly income drops or if something happens to you.

So after you have a spur-of-the-moment reaction to how rich people on TV and social media spend their money, remember your savings rate and regain your composure.

Focus on what the person is spending their money on.

Let’s look at another aspect of the savings rate above: spending money.

It is easier to think about this place.

For example, the following is not having money, but using it to buy things.

  • isolated house
  • Sports and luxury cars
  • Brand name watches/clothes

That amount of money is decreasing.

Maybe they are in debt. (41% 123/277p)

If you can think, “I don’t need that with that much money,” you’ve changed your mind.

By paying attention to the amount of money spent in this way and fantasizing about how you would spend that money, you can get away from jealousy.

Reveals the cause of your jealousy

Similar to the goal reaffirmation item, you may be able to help yourself from being consumed by jealousy by trying to figure out what is causing it. (Chat GPT Teacher)

Because you are able to be objective and notice what you want and desire out of jealousy.

For example, if one person is jealous of another person’s college boy friend’s riches, the following is something to envy.

  • Being talked to by girls
  • That you are traveling with your girlfriend or friends to a place of your choice.
  • Not having a part-time job
  • Have a lot of followers

Then we can assume that he is looking for something like the following.

  • Being more popular and prominent than other men?
  • Money! Financial freedom, money
  • No job? Or being able to live off what you love to do?

Then maybe I’ll be happy for now if I can do what I love on the side and eventually make it my day job… and I’ll be happy when the girls like me.

Finding the cause of the problem in this way will help you to change your feelings and behavior, which will help you to calm down.

Are you making up stories on your own?

You may be torturing yourself by making up your own story of riches.

Because you see one aspect of financial success, which is being rich, and from that you infer that they must be almost successful in all aspects as well.

You suffer from this presumption, feeling that you are inferior and backward compatible. (Chat GPT Teacher)


It is about remembering and valuing your characteristics, strengths, what you can do, and what you like to do.


That rich guy will be able to inherit a business, have a girlfriend, be popular, have almost smooth sailing, have support from others even when there are difficulties, and be able to do all this and more! Anyway!!!! Kiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!

Take a breath into these feelings and you will remember yourself.


Suu, hah..,

You can help yourself out of jealousy by remembering to distinguish between facts and made-up stories.

Book Introduction

The author, who used to write columns and other articles for American media, considers the use of money in terms of human psychology in this book.

The following is a bulleted list of the bad and good that I personally felt.

Disadvantages of reading

  • I don’t know when to spend money. I seem to be equipped with a sense of fear when it comes to spending money.
  • The book said that controlling time is one of happiness, but it is difficult when I am an office worker! It was hard for me.

Advantages of Reading

  • It reminds me again that I should save money.

It is because having money rather than spending money makes us realize that we can be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, that we can move immediately when we want to act, and so on.

You can learn, including real-life examples, that even successful people who have made money are no good if they are bad at spending it.

  • I learned that most of what I did was a failure, and that even a few successes were okay.


If you are jealous of a rich person and are not at peace with yourself, try this.

How to calm your mind
  • Consider the luck factor and don’t think of the other person as a superstar.
  • To reaffirm your life goals and regain your mindset that has been transferred to the other person
  • To not make comparisons.
  • To focus on your savings rate and give yourself a pat on the back
  • To look for the source of jealousy and spend energy on what you want

I hope you can use one of these and move in a direction you are comfortable with, not one of the negative actions.

I hope you will follow X and read my other articles as it encourages me!

See you there!


reference (Japanese language)

モーガン・ハウセル (著), 児島 修 (翻訳)(2021).「サイコロジー・オブ・マネー――一生お金に困らない「富」のマインドセット Kindle版」.ダイヤモンド社.

Reference sites (Japanese language)

© FP Partner Inc.「1年の始めこそ貯蓄計画を立てよう! 家計簿どうする?おすすめのアプリや方法とは?」.キッズスマイルアカデミー.

OpenAI.「ChatGPT 嫉妬しない方法」.ChatGPT.

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