
3 reasons why your life so boring and lonely


Hello, my name is Yakimo.

This article is designed to offer solutions to those who are struggling with the following.


Life is boring, I’m bored… help


I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m getting old, I’m lonely, and my life really sucks…

The story here is based on the assumption that the reason life is boring for singles is because “they are not satisfied with their happiness”.

So if this premise is wrong, the whole thing will miss the point.

I hope you will agree with me on that point.

I have been thinking about how to write a review of the book “The ‘Capital’ Theory of Happiness: 3 Capitals and 8 Life Patterns to Determine Your Future” by Rei Tachibana.

As a result, how to enjoy life? This section is summarized from the perspective of.

Why life is boring
  1. Because I have no money.
  2. Because I have no hope for myself
  3. Because I am a loner or single
The countermeasure
  1. We make money (easier said than done)
  2. Do all the things you love to do
  3. You will make a partner or take care of your family

He says that all three are difficult to achieve and that if you always aim for any two of them, you will get a good balance.

I hope this article will inspire you to feel a little more goodness and positive aspects in your life.


Assume, “because you are not fulfilled with happiness”

Assume that the reason you feel life is boring is because you think you are unhappy and not enough.

If people were happy, they would not be depressed in the long run despite their troubles and difficulties.

This is a messed up reasoning here!


I myself sometimes feel depressed at a moment’s notice.

I’m doing the same thing at the same time again. I’ve been doing this my whole life!


But if I had had a girlfriend or enjoyed my work, I don’t think I would have felt that way.

So here, if a person is filled with happiness, then his/her life is fun! I have decided to assume that!

Prediction 1:because you have no money

Lack of money and freedom to live freely can cause people to feel bored with life.

For example, just to stay alive, it costs about 682 USD a month for rent and food,

If you want to travel or do something new, you will have to spend a lot of money.

Thus, without money, the options are limited and you will only be able to do the same things and get bored.

They say happiness increases up to 54508 USD a year.

The countermeasure

Of course, the solution is to make money,,,

In the meantime, strategies such as

  • saving money,
  • working together,
  • or being self-employed and incorporating

are introduced, but they all seem to be difficult.

Prediction 2:because you have no hope for yourself.

Especially in the case of Japan.

People find their work uninteresting, they have no hope, and their lives feel boring.

This is because the process of gaining working experience and becoming an uncle does not allow for self-realization.

According to Abraham Maslow, self-actualization is Most Advanced Desire.

When you work for a company, you need to do the tasks that the company has prepared for you, not the things that are unique to you.

You need money to survive so you tend to do it for long periods of time and for long periods of time.

In addition, in Japan, it is considered difficult to change jobs from an inexperienced position at the age of 35 or older, even in fields of interest to middle management and below.

  • It would be the same work as the current company.
  • Even if you’re not happy with your current workplace, you have to hang on to it.

People somehow know these things, so they feel bored because they can’t imagine an interesting future.

As a result of a long period of doing uninspiring things at work, you may have put off doing the things you want and like to do and feel bored.

The countermeasure

If you do not have hope for your job and future, measures to do a whole lot of things you like may be effective.

Two reasons are as follows

  • Because you are able to do what you want, you feel more in control of your life.
  • Because you might be able to make some money with it.

This is not all about things like artists like painting or music, but anything that you like to do would seem to be a good idea, as it will hone your knowledge and skills.


There is nothing that I can think of that I like about this…

I can’t think of much I like about myself either


But the degree of liking seems to be only a little.

Finding your little feelings of liking and taking the time to let them take the helm of your life will be a measure.


A walk…?

might be good



Speaking for myself, I am not good with younger professionals.

Because I am jealous of the state of knowing what I like and making money with it.

I am too envious that the person is already in his/her 20s or younger in the state I want to be in.

From this jealousy, I realized that doing what I love, and if possible, making it my job, is an important element in my life.

I’ll turn off the TV too!


Prediction 3:because you are lonely and single.

Consider the case of a single person or a person without a girlfriend who is the cause of the feeling that life is boring.

The reason it feels empty in that case is that people are social animals.

People flock together not only as a means of survival, but also for fulfillment.

According to a Harvard study, people who have a significant partner seem to feel happy even when they are going through a difficult time.※1


I know, right?

So it seems natural to feel that life is boring when you are a loner.

The countermeasure

If you don’t have a girlfriend, boyfriend, etc., you can make an effort in the direction of creating one, but it also seems to be fulfilled by taking care of your family.

You can cherish the special relationship you may already have with each other, or you can enrich it by creating a new one.


Easy for you to say…

Book Review of The “Capital” Theory of Happiness

Disadvantages I found in this book

  • My lack of knowledge of the language makes it difficult, so I’ll have to work on looking it up!
  • When knowledge of the author’s past books is discussed, it is obvious but only to some extent. It is understandable for the first time, but I feel it is a little insufficient.

Advantages I found in this book

  • Hear the opinions of authors who actually make a living as freelancers.
  • Since a lot of data is used, the facts are highly objective.
  • You can learn a non-spiritual “theory of happiness”.
  • He explains the true nature of self-discovery and the mechanisms that cause Japanese people to work long hours, etc.


When life feels boring
  • If you don’t have enough money and don’t feel free -> you’ll earn it!
  • If your job is not interesting -> spend more time doing what you like!
  • If you don’t have a girlfriend (boyfriend) -> you will have one! Or you will take care of your family!

It is a difficult thing to say, but it seems to me that we should take up the challenge for the fulfillment of our lives.

I encourage you to share and check out other articles if you like!

Well then, thank you for reading!


橘 玲.(2017).「幸福の「資本」論――あなたの未来を決める「3つの資本」と「8つの人生パターン」Kindle 版」.ダイヤモンド社.

Reference Site

© DIGITALIO, Inc.「自己実現」.コトバンク.

※1 Hilary Brueck.(翻訳、編集:山口佳美).「良好な人間関係が幸せで健康な暮らしにつながる? ハーバード大学の研究者が解説」.BUSINESS INSIDER.

辻本剛士.2023.「幸福度は「年収800万」で頭打ち? 年収と幸福度の関係、幸せと感じる水準とたどりつく方法も解説」.ファイナンシャルフィールド.Break Field Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved.

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